2014년 6월 20일 금요일

Backlit Onyx Company

Backlit Onyx Company 
An Company having attended the Expo, Saudi

See at the section of material stone section in the Expo, Qatar Stone Tech

LumiSpace attending a Stone Expo
As an experienced tranlucent Onyx supplier, LumiSpace attended an stone expo, Saudi Stone Tech . 
A lot of famous interior designers and stone companies attended the expo.
In the exhibition, there are most successful building materials, construction and building technology.

LumiSpace has supplied LED lighting sheets as well as backlit Onyx marbles.

Backlit onyx marble panels are unique in that they have distinctive features that transcend the oridnary.
LumiSpace has developed the backlighting technology by making a LED lighting sheet for 7 years.
Moreover, it has developed its translucent onyx panels.

Backlit Onyx Marble Panel System
So, it has incorporated both products to make a backlit onyx marble panel system.
The LED lighting sheet is best for the translucent onyx panels because it distributes light evenly.
Also, the translucent onyx panel is made as thin as 4-20mm through high technology
so that it can transmit backlight from the LED lighting sheet.  

Customizable System
The size of a backlit onyx panel system can be made up to 3,000mm*1,000mm.
LumiSpace can make the system for custom design so that it can make a round shape or an irregular shape. 
 The system is kind of complicated, so we recommend you to order at least one month ahead of actual installation.

The system can be installed mainly in indoor interior.
Categories for indoor interior are classified into onyx bars, onyx information desks, onyx walls and columns, etc. 
 Also, the system is available in outdoor interior. It is available to onyx façade, onyx yacht, etc.

Basic Concept
The basic idea is as follows.

The merits of LED lighting sheets
Backlit onyx marble panel system transcends the ordinary

The merits of LED lighting sheets

They are defined to be a LED lighting panel with the following characteristics.

1) There is a dimming function. So, a user can control the intensity of light
2) The panel can be made in varoius shapes such as an apple, an bear, so on.
3) It doesn't release heat. So, it deosn't make a space installed with it hotter.
4) It isn't sensitive to the temperature. It works from -30  to 70 degrees C.
5) It is so slim as 8mm wide that it can be easily installed. 
6) The size of the panel can be made from 153mm*153mm to 2,000mm*1,000mm
7) It is so strong that it is more shock-resistant than a normal lighting panel.
8) It is so waterproof that it can be used as an outdoor lighting.
9) It is so energy-saving that its consumption of electrical power is just one tenth of that of an incandescent light.
10) It has a long lifespan of 10 years.
11) It doens't make any electromagneic waves.
12) It can make a variuous color of light.

By such characteristics, the LED sheet can be best for an onyx stone panel. 

Due to the long lifespan of the LED sheet. the installation of onyx stone doesn't need to change frequently.
Also, the size can be easily adapted to any circumstances.
By its dimming function, onyx stone can look different.
Of course, the energy will be saved a lot.

The Middle East Exhibition

Based on the experience of translucent onyx and LED lighting sheets, LumiSpace is planning to attend Qatar  Stone Tech

Nowadays Qatar won the olympic 2022 and so it plans a lot of construction projects.

A Stone Tech in Middle East

Check the PDF file for more company information


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